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Golf - Make Your Short Game Shorter (end)
Practice a few "flamingo drill" shots by hitting some chips and pitches with the toe of your rear foot balanced on your front foot.
This puts the weight on your front leg. (Either that, or you fall down. A position from which it's difficult to hit much!) Now, put your foot down to the normal position and hit a few more. Notice how the exercise helps to prevent hanging back and lifting the ball into the air.
Remember, if your head is behind the ball, your weight will tend to be behind the ball. You want more of your weight on the front to prevent those fat chip shots. Also, keeping the ball on the ground longer will increase accuracy.
Take a 7 or 8 iron and grip closer down toward the bottom of the grip. Open your stance slightly and align the shoulders on the target line.
Using a putting stroke —— arms and shoulders do the work, while the lower body stays quiet —— draw the club back about 18 inches. The down swing should follow through the same distance after impact.
For good chipping, set your hands slightly ahead of the ball and lean a little toward the target. Flex the knees slightly and narrow the stance.
The swing doesn't require great force, if your impact is square and on the sweetspot. Aim to impact down on the backside of the ball to keep it from gaining too much height.
Accelerate smoothly. Remember, don't uncock your wrists too early on the downswing.
When your short game is as short as possible, the next best percentage play is to practice those putts.
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