Remember that a golf swing is a kind of rotational movement.
Key to that movement is to stay in the same plane on the downswing as you were in the backswing.
Think of that plane as a round table top, tipped on edge and placed on the ball.
The bottom half of the rim of that table is the arc your club should go through on the entire swing.
Practice a backswing to downswing movement, but stop at the point of impact to verify that the clubface is along the rung of that ladder.
If the clubface is open, you've rotated your right forearm too much. (For right-handed golfers.)
Place a half dozen tees in the ground a few inches apart along the rung of the ladder.
Golf Swing at one, then move forward to the next.
With practice, you should be able to consistently clip the middle of a tee while staying in the swing plane.
That leads us to the last important elements: rhythm and balance.
You can see it in person or on television — the greats all have beautiful rhythm.
That's key to a consistently good swing. But you can't have good rhythm without good balance and vice-versa.
The proper position and stance are static, balance is dynamic.
Start with the static — you can't do otherwise. But you need to retain good balance and rhythm through the entire swing.
Don't rush your golf swing. With the spine tilted away from the target at address, your weight should be evenly distributed between your right and left feet. Then take a smooth pull back and an easy swing down.
As you practice a few swings have a friend gently push your shoulder blades, lower back, one shoulder in one direction then alternate. In every case, you should be solid and not about to fall over at any time. (We assume you've saved the drinking for AFTER the game!)
Every portion of the swing should be smooth and on the backswing and the downswing you should feel like a well-oiled machine.
More information about golf swing