Tuesday, January 17, 2006


More information about golf tips, golf swing, golf vacation


Like any game, the official rules are many and complex. But the simple version is this: Tee up, hit the ball toward the flag. Try to get the ball in the hole the flag is in. (When you get close, take the flag out!) The fewest strokes over the course of all holes wins. Hit your own ball and count every stroke.

Don't endanger another player by standing too close them when you or (s)he swings. And don't make excessive noise when someone is hitting. Avoid holding up players behind or with you. If you lose your ball, let them 'play through'. Replace 'divots' (chunks of earth and grass you dug up by using the golf club — accidentally — as a shovel.) Fix other damage made. In short, be courteous to those around you. Golf is one of the few games where civilized behavior is actually enforced!

For the novice, golf can be enjoyed from the start. For those interested and motivated, there's an inexhaustible supply of information about the physics and physiology of swing mechanics, grip, stance, and other arcana. Tiger Woods has been practicing and playing from a young age and he still takes lessons. For the beginner, there's a large amount of knowledge to absorb and physical movement to practice right at the outset. But don't get so overwhelmed that you forget the primary purpose: to have fun!

Golf tips, golf swing, golf lesson and much more